Get to Know Amanda Colombo, Sales Operations Manager

Amanda Colombo at Kraft Business Systems is a crucial member of our team. We sat down with her to discuss her role and why she loves working here.

At Kraft Business Systems, we have a group of talented individuals who bring their unique expertise to our team. Amanda Colombo’s role as the Sales Operations Manager has shown that she is a crucial member of our team. We sat down with her to discuss her role and why she loves working here at Kraft Business Systems.

1. What is Your Educational and Career Background? 

I got my Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology and graduated from the University of Michigan. I have experience working in IT Support & Office Technology Solutions for six years now, and hopefully I will continue doing so.  

2. What is your Role at Kraft Business Systems? 

I joined Kraft Business Systems in September 2021 as a Sales Operations Manager. I am responsible for optimizing the success of Kraft by managing sales goals, projections, and processes and overseeing the auditing, equipment purchasing, sales operations, warehouse costs, and overall, making sure our customers are happy.

3. What Made You Choose Kraft Business Systems and What’s Your Favorite Part of Your Job?

Kraft Business Systems actually chose me. Before I joined Kraft, I was working at a small company. As Kraft continued to grow, they were looking to expand, so they bought the small company I was working for and hired me in the process. Now I’m here at Kraft, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. My favorite part of my job is the culture and the people I work with every day. Having coworkers who are supportive and always there for you makes working here an enjoyable experience. As a Sales Operations Manager, I get to see how the company grows and get to meet new people every day. 

4. Outside of Work, What Do You Enjoy Doing? 

When I’m not working, I love to be at any kind of sporting event. I also enjoy spending time outdoors, taking long walks on the beach, traveling, and exploring the country.  

5. What is Something That Not Many People Know About You? 

A fun fact about me is that during my high school years, my mom and I lived in a lighthouse. My experience living in a lighthouse was amazing: I especially enjoyed living near the water and I really do miss the view.