Get to Know Carole Rounds, Business Manager

Carole Rounds has been with our team for over 9 years and her experience and ambition have made an extraordinary impact on our organization over the years.

Kraft Business Systems’ next employee spotlight is Carole Rounds, our Business Manager. Carole has been with our team for over 9 years and her experience and ambition have made an extraordinary impact on our organization over the years. We sat down with Carole to discuss her background and what she enjoys most about working with the team at Kraft Business Systems.

 1. Can you Tell us About Your Educational and Career Background? 

I’m a graduate of Grand Valley State University with a degree in Business Administration. I worked for a CPA firm for 2 years in their business office and was lured away by a radio broadcast company to run their business office. I did that for many years. Through the years, I earned promotions and became the Midwest Regional Business Manager.

2. What is Your Role at Kraft Business Systems? What Inspired you to Pursue the Career you Have Today? 

I’m the Business Manager for Kraft Business Systems. I went off to college with visions of being in the entertainment industry in some way. I studied theater and even tried my hand at being a cameraman! One day it dawned on me that I was spending so much money on college that I needed a surefire way to be able to support myself.  Business Management opens the door to so many opportunities!  It was a natural fit, and I never looked back. And I still get to work in the entertainment industry! 

3. What Led You to Work for the Kraft Business Systems Team? 

The radio industry went through a major overhaul, with consolidations, mergers, and ownership changes.  Eventually, the company I worked for was affected and the new company that was brought in had its own people.  Jeff Cousins, President & CEO of Kraft Business Systems, and I had known each other for many years since the broadcast company had been a client of Kraft Business Systems.  When Jeff heard I was looking for job opportunities, he scooped me up and I came to work here. 

4. How Would you Describe the Company Culture at Kraft Business Systems? 

Family is always a priority at Kraft. They understand if your kid is sick or has a game or a school event and you’re encouraged to be there.  It’s not usual to have family members drop by.  In the summertime, we have a few lunchtime grill-outs in our parking lot. It’s always a blast to see the kids. 

We have weekly department meetings and follow EOS for running our company.  Everyone has an opportunity each week to have their voice heard.  We’ve been using it for nearly 3 years and it’s been very effective. Because of the EOS System we work in a more collaborative way.  It gives you an opportunity to work more as a team rather than merely fill a role.  It’s a different way of looking at business.   

We also have monthly 30/30 meetings.  It’s a 30-minute every 30 days Teams meeting with the entire company, very similar to a “State of the Union” address.  Leadership keeps everyone up to date on the happenings and the “what to expect” for the 30-day period. 

5. What is Your Favorite Part of Your Job? 

I like the feeling of accomplishment: a client satisfied, an employee whose benefits problem is solved, the report that ties out, the statement that balances, and my role in making that happen. We have a terrific team at Kraft, a workplace will need great people to be a great place to work. 

6. Tell Us a Fun Fact About Yourself 

The first car I ever bought was a vintage 1967 Mustang, it was jacked up in the rear, had hood pins, and a racing steering wheel!