Get to Know Kaira Williams at Kraft Business Systems 

Kaira Williams has been an integral part of the Kraft Business System team. We are excited to share Kaira's role and what she brings to the team. 

Kaira Williams joined Kraft Business Systems in October 2014 as the Contracts & Billing Manager. October 2022 will mark her 8th anniversary. Kaira has been an integral part of the Kraft Business System team. We were excited to sit down with Kaira to discuss her role and what she brings to the team. 

1. What is Your Educational and Career Background? 

I went to Grand Valley State University way back in the early 2000s pursuing an English Literature degree that ended up having nothing to do with my adult life. Before my time at Kraft, I did general administration and customer service for a paint manufacturer. 

2. What is Your Role at Kraft Business Systems? 

My title is Contracts & Billing Manager, and I facilitate all our recurring billing, create and maintain the customer maintenance contracts and any customer and equipment data. I also provide a healthy dose of snarky commentary.  

3. What Led You to Join the Kraft Business Systems Team? 

I was looking for a change from spending so much time near raw chemicals and paint fumes, and my neighbor at the time worked for Kraft and suggested I apply for the Customer Service position. 

4. What Made You Choose Kraft Business Systems? 

At the time, my only frame of reference for a “grown-up job” were the 7 years I spent at the paint factory, so I really enjoyed Kraft’s balance of professional yet easygoing atmosphere. The people at Kraft and the workplace culture snagged me. 

5. Do You Have a Favorite Part of Your Job? 

Having worked in many different roles over the years at Kraft, I have a unique understanding of our entire scope of offerings, and the frustrations that can come with each role. My favorite part of my job is being able to make someone else’s day easier by answering questions or helping to solve problems.  

6. What Do You Enjoy Doing Outside of Work? 

I always joke that I lead a double life because by day I sit in an office and by night I switch to my Stand-Up Comedian self. My evening hours are spent on stages or around tables full of comedians and laughter. 

7. Fun Fact About Yourself 

I have been a proud member of the New Kids on the Block fandom since the day I was born. I go on their annual cruise every year—this October will be my fourth—and the blogs I wrote to recap each cruise caught the attention of Donnie Wahlberg and began the (for lack of a more accurate term) friendship my inner child STILL cannot believe is real. I also turned those blogs into a self-published book: I’m Fangirling: Snarky Stories & Boyband Memories, that was pretty popular among the fans. 

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