What Does a Secure Network at a Small Business Look Like?

Don’t think that your organization isn’t that interesting to a hacker because no company is too small, too unimportant or too irrelevant to be a target.

The average cost of a data breach for small businesses in the United States is $117,000, which can be devastating for most.

So, what can you do?

Check out the Benefits of an IT Assessment

1. Invest in Effective Endpoint Security

How you protect the corporate network when it’s accessed via laptops or mobile devices.

2. Establish an Incident Response Plan

How you plan to detect, respond to, and recover from security incidents should be discussed and written out with all involved parties.

3. Evaluate Your IT Security Resources

Audit your risk levels associated with enterprise resources and government regulations specific to your industry, and then remediate or mitigate vulnerabilities.

4. Create a Multi-factor Authentication Password Policy

You should require a minimum of 8-12 characters, with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letter, numbers, and special characters, and requiring password changes every couple of months.

5. Constantly Update Your Policies

Hackers are always evolving, and the only way to protect your business is to evaluate and recalibrate your security systems often.

Even the smallest business structure should establish a secure network. No matter how much data you work with, it’s crucial to protect the information of your company, employees, and clients from harm. At Kraft Business Systems, we build IT networks and cybersecurity through a number of IT solutions, guaranteed to secure all information. Let Kraft develop a comprehensive, secure network for your business and contact us today for an assessment.