Get to Know Lucas Collins, Partner Success Manager

Meet one of our newest additions to the Kraft business team, Lucas Collins, Partner Success Manager. He joined in October 2022 and made an immediate impact

Meet one of our newest additions to the Kraft business team, Lucas Collins, Partner Success Manager. Lucas joined our team in October 2022 and made an immediate impact on the company. Today, we sat down with Lucas to discuss his unique skills, experiences, and thoughts while working at Kraft. 

1. What is Your Career and Educational Background?   

After my time in the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, I transitioned into the technology space in some fashion for the last three years. Besides working here at Kraft, I’ve also worked in Sales for a credit union service organization. 

2. What is Your Role at Kraft Business System and What Does Your Job Entail?  

Currently, I’m a Partner Success Manager. It’s my job to continue to build relationships with our clients as well as helping transform organizations by proving that technology can produce ultimate efficiency. 

3. What Inspired You to Pursue the Career You Have Today?   

My biggest inspiration for pursuing a career in technology was my father. It’s the world I grew up in; my first job was helping members use data processing software for credit unions around the country when I was 16. Being thrown into the world of tech at an early age really helped develop the love and passionate approach I take in my career as a Partner Success Manager at Kraft. 

4. What led You to Work with the Kraft Business Systems Team? 

I left the credit union service industry to really put my skillset to the test, and Kraft has continued to feed the addiction of self-improvement. During my first introduction to the company, I knew it was where I wanted to make an impact. Kraft is an aligned company: one with a single mission. 

5. How Would you Describe the Company Culture at Kraft Business Systems?   

The team, the team, the team. My position with Kraft involves a lot of self-supervision, however, we operate as one cohesive unit. When one of us wins, we all win. When things don’t go as planned, everybody is there to help diagnose the root cause and foster learning opportunities. 

6. What is the Most Unique Part About Working for Kraft? 

Having a clearly defined company goal that spans each role is a rarity. Kraft does an outstanding job making sure everybody knows where their contributions come into play in order to promote unified growth. Those who occupy positions within the organization make a huge difference as well. It’s amazing to see a group of individuals from all walks of life and different beliefs come together to achieve one mission. 

7. Do You Have a Favorite Part of Your Job?

My favorite part of working for Kraft is, by far, the people. I’m a fairly social person, and the relationships I’ve been able to build on both the coworker and partner sides have been amazing. This company is filled with a group of people who are truly passionate about their day-to-day operations. Nothing is ever perfect, but the team here at Kraft will always make sure to do what’s right for our clients. I feel as if my time with Kraft, although brief, has helped me stretch the limits of what I can achieve on a daily basis. 

8. Tell us Something About Yourself that Most People Don’t Know.  

I am a licensed skydiver, so when the wind is calm enough and the temperature isn’t freezing, you can catch me casually stepping out of a plane door at 15,000 feet. 

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