The Business Owner’s Guide to Voice over Internet Protocol

Modern businesses favor Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services to make their phone communications more stable and efficient than traditional phones.

Organizations advance their productivity and efficiency most through better IT solutions and services. Among the many IT products out there, businesses have favored Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services to upgrade their phone communications. But how are these systems better than traditional phone lines? Beyond just communications, VoIP services offer a more stable, efficient way for modern businesses to run.

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What is Voice over Internet Protocol? 

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a communication technology allowing you to make calls through an Internet signal rather than a traditional phone line. Like most phone services, VoIP users have a number, and can make phone calls like they would using a traditional phone line. What makes this system unique is how the voice is transferred through calls via digital signal and sent through a wireless Internet connection, which may limit callers without Wi-Fi connection. Since Voice over Internet Protocol runs through the Internet, users may need to make calls on their computer, a specialized IP phone, or apply a USB adaptor to their own phone. Depending on the VoIP service, some adaptive software may need to be installed on devices and receive a unique IP address to integrate with the service.  

The Advantages of Using a VoIP Service 

Communication is essential for connecting with buyers and improving customer satisfaction. Therefore, ensuring your phone communications are reliable is integral to the success of your business. Aside from reliable communication, Voice over Internet Protocol offers many other benefits, such as:  

  • Reduced Costs: VoIP services have become more appealing to consumers for its minimal expense. In the long term, traditional phone lines are more expensive to maintain, update, and adapt to new business devices. Offering faster internet connection and minimal fees for broadband service, VoIP phones have recently gained popularity over the increased rates of traditional providers. If that wasn’t enough, VoIP phone providers also charge less for long-distance calls, only charging the rate of the call’s local destination.  
  • Better Performance: Voice over Internet Protocol phones are not only cheaper, but also more mobile and adaptive to company relocation. Wherever you move, your business stays connected by easily adapting new phones to the business’ IP network address.  
  • IT Integration: Along with location, VoIP phones also integrate well with other essential applications. Through the internet, document calls and record analytics between clientele to adapt better business strategies and decisions for your team. 
  • Bonus Features: Besides computer applications and software, Voice over Internet Protocol services offer many of the same services as traditional phones, plus more to improve daily operations. Features include: 
    • Video calls 
    • Instant messaging
    • Team chat
    • Texting
    • Online fax
    • Call logging & recording
    • Bluetooth communication
    • Voice-to-Text transcribing
    • Desktop & Mobile apps
    • Call routing & analytics

KBS Voice over Internet Protocol Tracks and Stores Analytical Data
 VoIP services allow you to track and store analytical data from business calls.

Voice over Internet Protocol vs. Traditional Phone Lines 

There are many advantages to be found by switching to a Voice over Internet Protocol system. Yet, organizations may not see the need to upgrade or adapt their communications from the typical setup. However, upgrading to VoIP phones enhances production, productivity, and customer service across the entire organization.  

While traditional phones are a simple, comfortable choice for businesses needing only basic functions, these systems lack app compatibility. Modern businesses often record important data on customer interactions through CRM and cloud storage. Traditional phonelines don’t have recording options, thus leaving gaps that impact data accuracy in customer service strategies. VoIP phones, however, don’t have this issue, and can integrate with CRM and cloud storage applications to upload recordings for future review. By syncing your phone calls with modern apps, your business can streamline sales strategies and improve data accuracy by storing valuable interactions within the company network.  

Manage Calls with Kraft IT Services 

Voice over Internet Protocol systems offer more than just better communication; with these services, you can streamline your business with enhanced wireless connection, fewer costs, and valuable data! With calls going through the Internet, Kraft Business Systems offers quality IT Solutions to help manage your business infrastructure. Contact us today to learn more about our innovative solutions.