Tips for Success With Workflow and Document Management in Healthcare

Savvy owners in the healthcare industry know that digital document management solutions will enhance productivity, security and patient customer service.

Consider these four tips for success for digital workflow and document management in the healthcare field.


1. Set Up a Hierarchy for Decision Making

A key way of improving workflow in healthcare is setting up a hierarchy for decision-making. Software makes this process easier. With software that allows for hierarchical decision-making, the number of people who have to deal with a particular document or issue will decrease. This helps improve throughput and cuts down on the time needed to make decisions.


2. Use a Protected Cloud Rather Than Individual Devices for Document Storage

A recent study found that 81 percent of healthcare businesses collect data from patients via mobile devices. That data should be stored on the cloud rather than on an individual device or server. Cloud encryption helps to ensure that documents are accessed and maintained in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.


3. Implement Security Along With Workflow

HIPAA compliance is closely associated with document and information security. Choose a workflow system that puts a date and time stamp on all changes that are made. This allows you to track who accessed electronic medical records and what, if any, changes were made when the document was accessed.


4. Choose Workflow and Document Management Software That Integrates

Select a workflow and document management system that integrates with your other business needs. For example, if your workflow system can trigger an email when attention is needed on a priority issue, things will get done faster. If a fax needs to be sent to a primary care physician from a specialist, an integrated workflow system could automatically trigger the fax to be sent.


When you are ready to simplify your workflow and spend less time on document management in the healthcare setting, digital solutions are a wise choice.