What are Managed IT Services?

Managed IT (information technology) services are or can be any IT task, hardware or software that is outsourced to a third-party, delivered to a customer.

Managed service providers retain responsibility for any IT service and equipment under a contract. There are many different types of managed services, so it could look a lot different from company to company.

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Every industry and company has its own unique set of challenges when it comes to utilizing technology for work. The key to a strong managed technology service is understanding the intricacies of the organization needing service.

The better your managed service provider understands your industry, your business, and your unique set of challenges, the better solution they’ll be able to offer when it comes to IT.

Why use Managed IT Services?

  • Cost savings
  • Predictable pricing
  • A bench of experts
  • Access to newer technology
  • Enhanced security

Having a managed IT service provider on your side is like having a deep bench for a sports team. It’s crucial to have talent and availability if and when something technology related goes wrong in your business.

Your business is not to be an expert in all things technology, but, it is your business to run your organization efficiently – saving money, cutting costs, performing tasks more efficiently, etc.

Your IT service provider can and should support you through all of these things and more.

Cyber Security is always changing and remains a threat. You shouldn’t and most times can’t expect your IT team to stay on top of all the latest threats. That’s where an extension of your team can come in handy.

Other Benefits of Managed IT Services

A great IT provider can also make hardware and software recommendations specific to your industry. For example, at Kraft, we thrive in Healthcare IT management. We’ve invested thousands of hours working to understand, empathize and implement hardware and software solutions for the unique challenges within the healthcare space.

Your IT team should be questioning and pushing the boundaries of how your team works with their technology. Technology is vital, but it can cause issues. An IT team that has a great understanding of both your industry and the latest and greatest technology solutions available can surprise you with how much efficiency they can bring to your organization.

Find Support with Kraft Managed IT Services

Managed IT services can improve not only workflow, but the daily strain put on your company IT experts. A quality IT team will provide full visibility, protection, and maintenance of your network whenever you need it. Ensure the best care and support for your business IT with the Managed IT services of Kraft Business Systems. Contact our experts today to achieve better IT control for your organization.